Atmosphere as applied to our homes is a word which seems to have two meanings. One is the impression given, as implied by the remark ''A room has (or has not) atmosphere'; and the other is the air we breathe. Black-out, as some of the following pages show, need not mean less lighting. But what, in this sense, we call a cheerful atmosphere is not always best obtained by illumination. One can see too much. A delightful scheme can be ruined by excessive or ill-placed lighting. To be able to see more than your book when reading, or your paper when writing, or your material when working, is bad for your eyes and is a waste of light. (...) Indeed, my own observations in peace time showed that the majority of other-wise good homes provided their living-room with too much light.
Edward Newman, The Ideal Home and Gardening, Septembre 1940.
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